
Protected: Strategies

Definition 2012 – “Movement” (Glen + Ray)

Zen is a form of meditation with a focus on the mindful awareness of the present moment. In common lexicon, the phrase “being zen” or “having a zen attitude” has come to mean viewing life calmly with equanimity. By this definition, being Zen is about doing right for the mind, body, and soul. It can help you relax, have a positive outlook on life, and find a higher plane of spiritual worth. — 

ROOTS FOR NUZN  (NUZN will be a hybrid of this, biophilia, biomimicry, LEED, sustainability, green, blue, Feng Shui and Vasthu, global aboriginal roots.

January 2022 – The NUZN Name Discussion

Ray and I discussed the name NUZN. As much as it looks great, we need to resolve the issue of its pronunciation. Many people cannot say it properly.

My concern was the reference to “zen,” as this might seem dated and not applicable to all audiences.

January 2022

Mind mapping and planning of business model concept

Product Launch Cycle 2023

Developed a launch cycle timeline that we we will use as a guideline towards launch. PDF is here for download for review.

Design Process 2023

Plan on launching the product using this as a guideline. you can download the PDF here. This is a vital pathway for our product development. We need to keep these points in mind. This is not an invention, this is a product!

Voronoi – Generative Design

Voronoi patterns / generative design offers unique opportunities to enhance both the functionality and the emotional impact of a space. Voronoi diagrams, with their nature-mimicking patterns, can be an effective tool in biophilic design.

Natural Patterns and Forms

  1. Mimicking Natural Structures: Voronoi diagrams resemble many structures found in nature, such as the branching patterns of trees and rivers, the cracks in dried mud, and the distribution of cells in biological organisms. This natural resemblance can help create spaces that feel more organic and connected to the natural world.
  2. Light and Shadow Play: The irregular yet systematic patterns of Voronoi can be used in facades, canopies, and interior partitions to modulate light and shadow within spaces. This dynamic interaction with natural light not only enhances visual interest but also mimics the moving light found in natural environments, which can have calming and restorative effects.

Haiku in Nature

Nature’s voice in Seventeen Syllables

The idea nurturing innate connections between individuals and the natural world. Haiku often focusses on nature. It also offers a unique tie in to biophilia / nature and creates a bit of a “marketing” angle to just biophilia. It also aligns with the growing interest in mindfulness, eco-awareness, and mental well-being…

unfortunately does not jive with the 14 patterns 😉
