
Protected: Engagement

Notional Kickstarter Video – May 2020

Exploratory Kickstarter video to “kickstart” some key points

Potential Lead Magnet for Website

A worksheet for subscribers. Inform about biophilia

May 2023 – Product Launch Plan

We need to make sure our NUZN “Biolight” meets the needs of our target audience / they want this or need it. thinking we should do testing / survey, etc… or we brainstorm our avatar

  • target audience
  • demographic
  • psychographic 
  • age
  • gender
  • location
  • interests
  • needs

Conduct market research 

Market research to understand our audience’s needs, preferences, and buying habits! (Walmart vs Online vs inform)

check competition and identify “gaps” in the market.

Develop a minimum viable product (MVP): Develop a prototype NUZN Biolight. 

MVP should be usable enough to test with real users but does not have to be a fully finished product. (but looks evolvable with their feedback)

Test MVP: Test MVP with a small group of users who represent our target audience. Gather their feedback on it and incorporate changes based on the feedback.

Refine our product

Conduct more market testing

Launch your product

Google Survey to Test Market Interest – 2024

Did initial planning for a framework for a survey to test interest, but not revealing the product. Google surveys/forms are not available anymore. Looking at Survey Monkey, we are looking at approx $2.50 per response, with a minimum of 100.

General Demographics

What is your age range?


What type of area do you currently live in?


What is your living situation?

Own home
Rent home
Live with parents/family
Lifestyle and Home Environment

How important is home decor to you?

Very important
Somewhat important
Not important

How many indoor plants do you currently have?


How do you generally use lighting in your home? (Check all that apply)

For reading or tasks
For creating a specific mood or atmosphere
For decoration

Which factor is most important to you when buying home decor items? (Rank in order of importance)

Aesthetic appeal
Brand reputation

Health and Wellbeing

How much do you agree with this statement: “Having plants in my home improves my mood and well-being.”

Strongly agree
Strongly disagree

Do you believe that your environment (where you live and work) affects your mental health?

Not sure
Preferences and Attitudes

Would you be interested in a home item that helps bring more natural elements indoors?

Very interested
Somewhat interested
Not interested

How often do you purchase new items to enhance your home environment (furniture, lighting, decorations, etc.)?

Frequently (every few months)
Occasionally (once or twice a year)
Rarely (less than once a year)

What’s your favourite way to enhance your living space? (Open-ended)

[Text box for response]

Technological Adoption

Do you use any smart home devices? If so, which types? (Check all that apply)

Smart speakers (e.g., Amazon Echo, Google Home)
Smart lighting (e.g., Philips Hue)
Smart thermostats (e.g., Nest)

How open are you to integrating technology with home decor (e.g., app-controlled lighting)?

Very open
Somewhat open
Not open